oleh Dedi Mis

Sepi...... itu yang ku rasa bila MENJAUH DARI-MU
KAU memang pendiam
Namun ku tahu mau-MU

Kesetiaan yang tanpa batas
Tak ku sadari  hinanya pengkhianatanku
Sampai detik ini ku terus berpaling
Bercampur perih banyaknya godaan

Mungkin cintaku tak seluas samudera
Tapi nama-MU tetap abadi dalam QOLBUKU
Pagi... Siang... Malam...
Terus terbayang dalam angan

Sambil menatap langit yang tertutup atap aku berfikir
Adakah KAU disana memahamiku
Rinduku padamu tak bsa dipahami
Terus menunggu menghampiriku.

8 aPRIL '10...............

oleh Sinta Fajrian pada 08 April 2010 jam 11:26

ganti ah bahasanya...
"keberhasilan yang tertunda"
alhamdulillah...yang sekarang mah gak terlalu terkejut...
kecewa? mmm..biasa aja...
udah agak kebal mungkin ya,,
hmm......bersiap lagi untuk menghadapi rintangan di depan..
bersiap lagi untuk menyempurnakan ikhtiar,,,
Bantu hamba yaa Rabb......................... 


oleh Dedi Mis pada 23 Maret 2011 jam 10:07

Ini hanya sebuah kisah, pemimpin kampung yang bukan harapan
Entah darimana dia mendapatkan kepercayaan menjadi seorang kepercayaan masyarakat?
Dengan sebuah kebanggaan tentu menjadi modal utama mencapai keinginan.
Mulai memimpin, namun tak bisa.

Sungguh malang kita tak berharap
Orang seperti itu kkok bisa??? Apa sih kerjaannya???
Bermanfaatkah untuk masyarakat???
Berwibawa dan berilmukah orangnya???

Ha haa.. Orangnya bodoh dan tak berguna, kerjanya Cuma menghina.
Agama dia punya, Islam tentunya.
Berjalan lantang memakai kolor, membuka aurat.
Perut buncit jadi idolanya.

Menjadi pegawai dilingkungan masyarakat, apa definisi kita...???
Apakah babu masyarakat??? Atau kepercayaan masyarakat???
Siapa yang salah kaprah tentang hal itu?
Hanya saja sayangnya “Si Bodoh” tidak tahu.


oleh Dedi Mis pada 23 Maret 2011 jam 10:11

Wahai para pemuda idaman
Tlah lama kau berbangga hati
Kau puja hatimu tak sadar diri
Kau punya apa hari ini?

Motor, atau mobilkah kau bawa?
Pelet, atau pengasihankah jadi senjata?
Uang sakukah menjadi modal utama?
Atau semuakah kau punya?

Aku bilang semua itu awal kesedihan
Kau tidur lalu berlari
Terlalu cepat mencapai hasrat hati
Kau pikir cintamu tak tertandingi?

Aku bilang kau memang menyedihkan
Dirimu tak tahu apa-apa tentang cinta suci
Aku lelah, aku capek
Kau senang, kau bangga hati

PAK “P” = 20 RIBU

oleh Dedi Mis pada 23 Maret 2011 jam 10:18

Niatku asik, niatku ke kota Tasik
Sepeda motorku naiki, sambil bernyanyi
Bensin kosong lalu ku isi
2 liter ku rasa cukup

Laju motorku cukup membawa resiko
Sampai lampu merah ku tak tahu
Pak “P” menunjuk jari
Tanda ku harus menepi pikirku

Seperti biasa, Tanya SIM dan STNK
STNK ku bawa, SIM kadaluarsa
Aku pun didenda, dengan menawar harga
Saku celana terpaksa ku buka

Berhasil negosiasi ku langsung pergi
Mukaku pucat bercampur benci
Sadarku memang salah
Pak “P” memberi sanksi

Aku tahu, aku sadar
Rambu lalu lintas ku patuhi
Pak P” memang baik budi
Slogan “Melayani Masyarakat” memang pas

Fenomena-Tiada Yang Lain

oleh Yusup Subastiar pada 11 Maret 2011 jam 20:41

Semilirnya angin malam ini..
Membawaku larut dalam lamunan..
Khayal tentang keindahan..
Dunia fana ini..
Jika kita bersama selamanya..
Kasih semu yang pernah kau curahkan..
Kubawa diperjalanan hidup ini..
Namun resah dan gelisah..
Selalu menghantui..
Karena sikapmu yang tak pasti..
Kucoba lupakan dirimu...karena ku tahu pasti sifatmu..
agar aku tak selalu rindu padamu...kasih...
Semakin aku lupakan...semakin aku sadari...
cintaku hanya padamu seorang...tiada yang lain

"Ketika Mencintai, Tak Bisa Menikahi"

oleh Akh-Zie M. Fariz pada 23 Februari 2011 jam 21:42

Artikel ini  copas yang secara tak sengaja di temukan, artikelnya menggugah dan  inspiratif silahkan klo mw baca:

"Sahabat…pernahkah merasa ketika mencintai namun tidak bisa memiliki?
Pernahkah sahabat merasakan mencintai namun tak bisa menikahinya?
Mencintai dan dicintai memanglah fitrah manusia, angerah terindah yang diberikan Allah kepada semua makhluk di muka bumi ini, namun apakah selamanya mencintai itu harus memiliki? Menurut apa yang pernah saya baca…bahwasanya ketika kita mencintai itu adalah sesuatu yang lumrah, seorang ikhwan mencintai akhwat, memang tidak ada yang salah disini…namun demikian bukan berarti itu menjadi suatu alasan untuk mengekspresikan cintanya dengan cara yang salah, dengan menempatkan cinta pada tempat yang salah, menempatkan cinta pada keranjang sampah yang kotor, bau dan jorok…

Bukan seperti itu cinta diperlakukan…cinta ibarat suatu kertas yang putih bersih serta halus, ya setidaknya itu menurut saya…hehe…karena cinta itu haruslah diisi dengan warna yang indah supaya menjadi lukisan kaligrafi yang indah dan penuh makna serta akan ditempatkan orang di tempat yang mulia…

Bukan diisi dengan warna yang sama namun menghasilkan gambar yang tak indah, mengandung sesuatu yang diharamkan dan orang-orang kan merobek, menginjak-injaknya…karena gambar yang sungguh tak layak untuk dilihat karena akan mengundang laknat Allah. Mungkin dengan kertas yang sama, cat warna yang sama, pelukis sama, namun gambar berbeda maka akibatnya juga akan berbeda…
Begitu pula cinta itu bagai kertas yang tipis lagi rapuh jika tidak hati-hati menjaganya maka sedikit kesalahan akan robek dan berakhir di tempat sampah…begitu juga dengan cinta apabila kita tidak mampu menjaganya dengan baik maka dia akan robek dan rusak dan akhirnya menyebabkan usernya jatuh kelubang kehinaan dan berakhir di kerak nerakaNya…naudzubillah

Kembali lagi kepada topik awal, bahwasanya cinta tapi tak bisa menikahi…ya terilhami dari judul buku sih dengan judul yang sama…karya Akh Fadlan Al-Ikhwani, kadang kita suka memaksakan kehendak ketika kita mencintai seorang akhwat atau akhwat mencintai seorang ikhwan, maka orang yang dicintai itu harus bin mesti kudu nikah dengan kita…wah kalo sudah begini ya gawat urusannya…
Karena sesungguh, kita memang diwajibkan untuk ikhtiar namun keputusan akhirnya tetaplah milik Sang Pengambil Keputusan. Sesungguhnya segala sesuatunya sudah ada di lauhul mahfudzNya…tinggal tunggu kepastiannya, namun bukan berarti kita hanya diam ndoloho aja tanpa ada usaha sedikit pun. Jadi, janganlah bersedih kata Dr. Aidh Al Qarni dalam La Tahzannya, ya buat apa kita bersedih kala orang yang kita cintai ternyata tidak bisa menikah dengan kita…sudah saya jelaskan di atas bahwa mencintai itu tidak salah yang salah itu ketika menempatkan dan mengekspresikannya dengan cara yang salah,,,seperti dengan cara pacaran,,nah pacaran itu kan keranjang sampah yang bau, jorok dan penuh kuman berbahaya.

Yang harus kita lakukan kala ikhwan (untuk akhwat) atau akhwat (untuk ikhwan-red) yang kita cintai ternyata sudah menemukan jodohnya, ya sudah tidak usah diingat lagi buang jauh-jauh, apalagi sampai meratapinya sambil menangis tujuh hari tujuh malam….wah…udah kaya selametan nih…hehe…harusnya kita do’akan semoga bisa menjadi keluarga yang sakinah ma waddah warohmah….tinggal kita berdo’a lagi minta penggantinya…insya Allah, karena Allah selalu memberi apa yang kita butuhkan bukan apa yang kita inginkan…sungguh boleh jadi kita menganggap sesuatu itu baik padahal tidak baik menurut Allah, dan kadang kita memandang sesuatu itu jelek padahal boleh jadi itulah yang terbaik untuk kita menurut Allah. Sungguh Allah itu maha tahu atas segala dan manusia tidak tahu.
Semoga kita semua diberi keluasan hati, keikhlasan untuk senantiasa menerima setiap pemberianNya. Semoga kita semua diberikan keteguhan hati, keistiqomahan agar dalam melaksanakan ibadah tidak berdasar atas pandangan manusia namun semata hanya untuk menggapai ridhoNya, marilah kita saling mendo’akan kepada siapapun yang sekarang sedang ikhtiar menjemput jodohnya semoga Allah memudahkan setiap langkahnya dan diberikan yang terbaik menurut Allah..Amin"

Lelahkah kita..???

oleh Akh-Zie M. Fariz pada 23 Februari 2011 jam 22:33

Kembali saya suguhkan copas artikel yang menggugah dan inspiratif, silahkan..: ^_^

Sahabat…pernahkah kita merasa lelah…teramat lelah, capek…teramat capek? pastinya setiap kita pasti pernah merasakannya, apakah itu karena lelah fisik ataupun lelah jiwa. Lelah mengejar sesuatu yang tak pasti, seketika kita kejar sepertinya kan mudah untuk kita dapatkan. Namun ternyata diluar dugaan ternyata apa yang sepertinya mudah kita dapatkan karena sudah nampak didepan mata, ternyata tak cukup mudah didapatkan. Sungguh karena ternyata apa yang ada didepan kita semua telah memilih jalannya sendiri.
Haruskah kita lelah kala kita mengejar keridhoanNya? pantaskah kita merasa capek kala kita berjalan di relNya? Sungguh naif diri kala kita merasa lelah untuk mengejar keridhoanNya, karena ingatlah sahabat bahwasanya kala kita berjalan menujuNya maka Dia akan berlari menuju kita. Tak cukupkah motivasi dari yang Maha Mempunyai Segalanya?

Harus bagaimana lagi meyakinkan diri, agar jangan lelah dan patah di tengah jalan. Sungguh itu semua ada dalam diri kita semua, kita semua punya potensi untuk hal itu tinggal bagaimana kita meramunya. Sebenarnya kita punya tempat bersandar dan menggantungkan semua asa dan harap, maka janganlah kita menggantung semua asa dan harap kepada selainNya. Sungguh itulah yang kan membuat kita cepat lelah dan capek, karena kala kita mengejar bayangan yang tak pasti maka kita kan merasa lelah, namun kala menggantungkan semua asa dan harap hanya padaNya maka rasa lelah dan capek itu kan terbayar lunas. Dengan manisnya keikhlasan, walaupun kita tak mendapatkan apa yang kita kejar, namun kala kita terus menggantungkan asa dan harap itu hanya padaNYa, maka dengan sendirinya kita kan terobati dengan vitamin ikhlas.

Sungguh ketika jiwa yang lemah terus diberi asupan vitamin ikhlas, walau hanya sebatas menjadi rel yang terus digilas oleh sang kereta namun kan terus menikmati bukan merasakan sakit, karena sungguh dengan begitu sang kereta pun kan dapat melaju dengan nyaman hingga sampai pada tujuannya. Bagaimana dengan bantalan rel, kalau cepat merasa lelah dan capek maka akan cepat mengalami patah, dan itu sangatlah berbahaya bagi sang kereta serta para penumpangnya.

Jadi,,,ikhlaskan hati walaupun harus berada dibawah dan terus dilindas, biarkan badan terlindas namun orang-orang kan merasakan nyamannya rel kereta, biarlah orang melupakan yang penting perjalanannya bisa sampai pada tujuannya dengan selamat…jadi ikhlaslah menjadi bantalan kereta, jangan mudah patah sahabatku karena kala engkau patah maka akibatnya akan fatal dan kaupun kan terbuang dan menjadi pesakitan yang luar biasa.


oleh Ahmad Dahlan pada 25 Februari 2011 jam 13:20

Aku mengamati semua sahabat, dan tidak menemukan sahabat yang lebih baik daripada menjaga lidah. Saya memikirkan tentang semua pakaian, tetapi tidak menemukan pakaian yang lebih baik daripada takwa. Aku merenungkan tentang segala jenis amal baik, namun tidak mendapatkan yang lebih baik daripada memberi nasihat baik. Aku mencari segala bentuk rezki, tapi tidak menemukan rezki yang lebih baik daripada sabar.
(khalifah Umar)

Coba Renungkan

oleh Ahmad Dahlan pada 01 Maret 2011 jam 19:34

Bismillahi rohman ni rohim
Jika cobaan sepanjang sungai... maka seharusnya kesabaran itu sluas samudera...
Jika harapan seluas hamparan... maka seharusnya ikhtiar itu seluas langit.....
Jika pengorbanan sebesar bumi.... maka sharusnya keikhlasan seluas jagat raya...
Walau jasad merasa lelah, penat dan sakit,jalan menuju syurga masihlah sangat panjang, lalu kenapa mesti berputus asa jika kau masih memiliki ALLAH????
Jangan pernah lupa bahwa ALLAH selalu ada untukmu

Renungan Malam

Oleh Ahmad Dahlan pada 03 Maret 2011 jam 23:21

Di jln cinta pr pjuang (jl dakwah) ada empat tapak
tapak satu "VISI" agar aq tidak lagi trtidur lelap tp bangkit trjaga, agar aq tak lg trtunduk sayu tp tgk trpancar,agar aq tak mnyempit silau tp mnatap lkat,agar aq tak mmandang srampang tp mnelisik jeli. tapak kedua "GAIRAH" agr aq tak lg lmh, agr aq tak lg goyah, agr cinta qu jd ga"h,agr aq tak cpat lelah, agr aq tak mnyerah. tapak ketiga "NURANI" agr aq ju"r pada diri, agar aq dengar suara hati,agar cnta qu jd suci,agr aq kupandang dunia dr ufuk tinggi, agar aq d bing" Ilahi. tapak ke empat "DISIPLIN", agar aq pnuh takwa dlm banjir cinta dan bdi asmara, agr aq bkn hnya pnikmat rasa tp juga pnjg agama, agar cinta qu bkan ksenangan diri tp juga ridho Ilahi,agar aq tak hnya dicintai orang trkasih tp juga Yang Maha Pengasih (Salim A Fillah)

Jadwal pertandingan Liga Champions perempat final

Jadwal pertandingan Liga Champions on RCTI Okeeeeee...

Real Madrid vs Tottenham Hotspur
         Leg 1 : 5 April 2011
         Leg 2 : 12 April 2011

Chelsea vs Manchester United
         Leg 1 : 5 April 2011
         Leg 2 : 12 April 2011

Barcelona vs Shakhtar Donetsk
         Leg 1 : 6 April 2011
         Leg 2 : 13 April 2011

Inter Milan vs Schalke 04
         Leg 1 : 6 April 2011
         Leg 2 : 13 April 2011

My Top 7 Favorite Ecommerce Tools

My Top 7 Favorite Ecommerce Tools
by: Jim Edwards
Copyright 2005 Jim Edwards

When you make your living on the Internet, you sometimes forget that the resources you use every day (and take for granted) might rate an incredible discovery to anyone who doesn't already know they exist.

Whether they help you make money, save time, save money, or avoid frustration, these ecommerce tools and services rate my highest recommendation for anyone who conducts any form of ecommerce online.

ClickBank.com -

If you sell a downloadable product such as an ebook, report, or software, you can't beat ClickBank for processing credit card payments. Not only do they take the payments and send you a check twice a month, they also plug your product into an existing network with tens-of-thousands of affiliates who can sell it for you. Also, unlike a traditional merchant credit card processing account, ClickBank assumes all the fraud risk and prevents many of the "horror" stories you hear in connection with online credit card processing.

MySiteSales.com -

Since ClickBank only allows the sale of downloadable products, MySiteSales.com comes to the rescue for anyone selling a physical product or service. Offering a suite of integrated product catalogs, follow up autoresponders, advertising tracking, a secure server, and even limited-time coupon offers, this tool rates a "must have" for setting up and integrating a professional ecommerce solution on virtually any size website.

Aweber.com -

If you need an unlimited number of follow up autoresponders and the ability to send an email "broadcast" to all your contacts at one time, Aweber offers an excellent managed solution. Specializing in helping small to medium-sized Web businesses implement an effective email follow-up strategy without complicated software, Aweber gets our highest marks for service and dependability.

GoDaddy.com -

Cheap, reliable, easy-to-use domain name registrar that only charges $8.95 per year for each domain name you register. Godaddy rates cheaper and just as, if not more, reliable than any other domain registrar. They also offer a "private registration" option that allows you to keep your identity as the domain owner a secret from unscrupulous people who exploit domain name records to compile mailing lists, spam databases or worse.

FrontierPowerHosting.com -

Any successful ecommerce endeavor begins with a solid website hosting service. Nothing shuts you down faster than an unreliable web host because, the second they go offline, your business goes offline. I host one of my servers at FrontierPowerHosting.com because of great customer service and guaranteed up-time.

ClipArt.com -

Ever pulled your hair out searching for that perfect image, photo, or piece of clipart for your website? Once you exhaust the Microsoft collection on your computer, the next stop (if you want to find something fast) is Clipart.com. With thousands of images searchable by keyword, you can always find the perfect image in less time and without the worries of copyright infringement if you just pull something off the Web.

Google.com/Adsense/ -

Website got traffic but no making much money? Open a free account with Google AdSense and earn a commission any time someone clicks on any of the targeted ads. An excellent way to earn extra cash on virtually any website.

About the author:
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the creator of an amazing course that will teach you step-by-step and click-by-click how to finally create your own money-making mini-sites... Get a FREE Copy of The "Mini-Site Secrets" Audio Right Now Click Here => http://www.MiniSiteCreator.com

My Improbable Evolution Into a Passionate eBayer

My Improbable Evolution Into a Passionate eBayer
by: Robert Schutz

It all began innocently enough. I had an acquaintance who had an knack for spotting valuable things at thrift stores, yard sales, swap meets and the like, a trait I regarded highly. Our biggest commonality was that we were both songwriters and musicians, and John had an outstanding assortment of music, books, artwork, furniture, etc., despite his absolute disregard for all of the assorted occupations that necessitated an education or a tie.

While was I earning a solid living in law offices, not making much, but making an extra hundred or two per week, John had located the main distribution point for contributions for Goodwill Industries in Los Angeles, and was purchasing six foot bins filled with books for $30 per bin. John would take the signed copies, or other books which fascinated him or which he was personally familiar with, and sell them to bookstores. Once he sold a script which was signed by a producer and several actors for $900. Each bin contained several hundred books, and he had very quickly acquired a vanload of books that he couldn’t store in his tiny L.A. apartment. So he called me and offered to give them to me if I would haul them away, saying that he was going to throw them in the garbage if I didn’t take them. I saw that there were many books I was interested in, so I took the vanload, about 20 boxes, and gave him $50, the first of many vanloads. John wasn’t computer literate, and I knew that some of these had to be valuable on eBay, although at that point, I hadn’t sold any books online. Very soon thereafter, John was getting about three vanloads per week, and I would simply get the boxes and give him $50 per vanload, or about seven cents per book. Considering that some of the books have gone for over $40, this was quite a hefty profit margin. In this manner, I built up an inventory of almost 10,000 books.

I began selling them online, and very soon thereafter I had gotten many times my initial $600 investment back. But what attracted me to this business was the opportunity to do a brief plot summary of the books that I was selling. This plot summary was a lot more fun to me as a writer than the rote, mechanical process of placing the eBay ad, although I did get a great deal of excitement out of watching the number of hits, and learning which authors and genres were popular. I soon learned that, even the least valuable genres, romance novels, which were generally overpublished, could be sold in groups. Danielle Steel’s books, which I had more than any other author, would sell in boxes to collectors or other resellers. I soon learned that my plot summaries, which I enjoyed tremendously, were taking a lot of my time, and that most people who purchased books already knew what they were buying, so the plot summaries became an extravagance, superfluous to the objective of becoming a successful eBay bookseller. I had to satisfy my creative energies by reading the summaries briefly, and moving on. I learned a great deal while doing this, but more importantly I became knowledgeable about which books would sell and which needed to be sold in groups. And, since I had 10,000 books, at the rate of 4-5 ads per hour, it was going to take me several thousand hours of work just to sell the books I had already acquired. It also stopped me from examining other products, or looking for other books, etc. In other words, it became an all-consuming task to move 10,000 books.

I decided to use a piece of software that enabled me to evaluate what percentage of an author’s books had sold on eBay in the previous six weeks, and what was the average price of those books. The software allowed me to make a more specific prediction as to percentage, and put the rest of the books into their groups without attempting to sell them as individuals. This enabled me to move a lot more books. I also quickly learned that condition was imperative, and that there could be a discrepancy between what I regarded as “good,” and what someone else’s impression of “good” was. So I adopted a categorical condition description that I quoted verbatim from a book on book collecting, and that problem never occurred again. In fact, my eBay ads were functioning as an educational experience for most people who were not avid collectors, since they were learning about the importance of condition as it pertained to collecting books. Anything that was not at least in “good reading condition” was donated to charities. I found I could sell most other books categorically.

The only complaint that I have not resolved on eBay was from a guy who allowed his son to purchase a book on eBay. It was my 15th sale, and the son thought he was buying a video, and had not looked at the category of the ad. He submitted his complaint before emailing me. I was definitely prepared to refund his money (it was only a couple of bucks). The father did not respond to emails but instead ignored my pleas for him to rescind his negative evaluation. This lowered my percentage to less than 95% favorable, and was very disheartening for a beginner. I joined Square Trade, a company that mediates disagreements between the buyer and the seller so as to permit the seller to have only positive feedback. At this point, I have 544 sales, and still only that one complaint, for a 99.8% rating, a number that is capable of engendering a high level of confidence in potential buyers. Books have provided me with a great reputation on eBay, which I anticipate I will be using to springboard myself into higher ticket sales.

They have also provided me with a fantastic library of over 2,000 books on my favorite subjects: music, nutrition, sports, nature, psychology, and legal thrillers. I needed to become familiar with legal thrillers because a writer’s website had advised me that a writer must know the genre he or she is writing in. My years of law offices has provided me with a wealth of very dramatic stories, some of which were very high profile.

My son, incidentally, has over 560 sales himself, which has helped pay for his musical development and living expenses. He sells concert tickets on eBay, something he is very interested in, and also has a great reputation.

After months of selling these books, as interesting as it was, I began to want to use this new avocation to free myself from the legal field. I had a price tag, and it was about $600 per week take home. I spent a couple of months looking for economies in my process which would increase my hourly capability. But try as I might, I couldn’t really get past $10 per hour, and it was becoming painfully obvious to me that, while it was an enjoyable hobby, unless I took steps to change my methodology, it wasn’t going to be a successful business. I realized that selling books is not like selling manufactured commodities which can be “relisted” on eBay, which takes about one minute, as opposed to the 10-15 minutes that it takes to write an ad for a book, since books are all unique, unless you have thousands of the same book. I was aware of the fact that many people make hundreds of thousands of dollars on eBay and I decided to seek them out and model my new methodology on their experiences.

I had performed marketing research vis a vis my utilization of eBay software to increase the value of my book sales. I began to realize that I needed new products, products other than books, or more specifically, items from which I could be assured of making $40-50 per sale. Then, if I could sell ten per day, that would be a good living. After extensive research, I came across Tim Knox’s website. Tim Knox writes an e-commerce column for Entrepreneur Magazine, and is a PowerSeller on eBay. In addition, he had set up several other businesses, and according to his website, has made almost a million in the each of the last two years. His website contains several thousand products for people such as myself, many of which which can be dropshipped, or sent to your customer by the manufacturer or wholesaler, and the most complete internet marketing strategy I have ever seen for achieving this objective. He and I share one major philosophy – customer service is the key to developing an eBay business. The difference is that he has taken it much more seriously than I have, and his knowledge of internet marketing is what I need to get to the next level. His website is very impressive in the scope of information it provides to anyone who wants to make money on eBay, and provides virtually every eBayer, regardless of their experience level, with new directions and tactics for improving existing profit centers or developing new ones.

One of his products is described as follows: “We asked 58 of the Internet's Top Money Makers: ‘If you lost it all tomorrow and had to start over with nothing but the brain in your head and the experience of your years, how would you get back on top in less than 30 days?’" This question, posed to many top internet marketers, gives phenomenal insight to anyone who is interested in modeling the experience and results of people who have accomplished great things in internet marketing.
He also reminds us that TV shows such as 60 Minutes have featured people who are not extraordinary in terms of education or initial wealth who are making great money selling on eBay. Some examples and statistics he quotes include:
• Laurie Liss and her mother, Darlene, armed with little more than a computer, a camera, and something to sell, built their own eBay business that is now selling $30,000 to $40,000 in goods a month;
• A 43 year old mother of 3 pulls down $2000 a week on eBay;
• There are nearly 69 million eBay users who spend $59 million every day;
• Thousands of people nationwide are giving up their day jobs to sell fulltime on eBay;
• Most eBay sellers are home-based businesses that sell everything imaginable;
• Every minute of every day more than 150 new items are listed, more than 500 bids are placed, and seven new people register to shop on eBay;
• At any given moment, eBay is conducting some 12 million auctions, divided into about 18,000 different categories;
• About two million new items are offered for sale every day, and 62 million registered users scour the site to find them;
• As many as 150,000 people…have given up their jobs to create their own businesses selling from their own website or on eBay and other online auctions.
Unlike the “dot-com crash,” eBay is showing no signs of slowing down. Tim Knox’s experience puts you on the fast track to internet income. His background and products are presented in much greater detail at www.addtoincome.com. It is obvious to me that this man is no hobbyist and is a true professional. Regardless of your level of eBay experience, you owe it to yourself to add this man’s knowledge to your own.

About the author:

Robert Schutz has an online book business, with a 99.8% positive rating on eBay. Prior to becoming a successful eBayer, he has spent several years working in sales, and worked as a paralegal. He also works as a studio guitarist, and spent many years on stage. He attended Columbia University, majoring in English and linguistics. 

Microsoft and Google Show It's Time for RSS Marketing

Microsoft and Google Show It's Time for RSS Marketing
by: Rok Hrastnik
Copyright 2005 Rok Hrastnik

Many internet marketers are still wondering whether to start marketing with RSS or not. It seems that not even all the case studies, hard metrics and benefits available can’t convince them, or everyone would be jumping on the RSS wagon by now.

Just as an overview, here are some of the benefits marketers are missing out on by not marketing with RSS:

A] 100% delivery of their marketing, relationship building and educational messages to their subscribers, customers, prospects and partners. E-mail isn’t getting delivered, but with RSS you will achieve 100% delivery.

B] Increased search engine rankings and quick content indexing, and increased traffic from other RSS-enabled online sources.

C] Getting your internet content published on other websites.

D] Generating new subscribers more easily and quickly.

E] And much much more …

Even if you don’t believe that RSS is being used by enough people right now, that’s still no excuse to not start using it as a vehicle to generate more traffic to your sites.

But, soon all of this will change, too.

As it was widely predicted, Microsoft is integrating RSS support in the next version of its Internet Explorer, and perhaps even more important, it's making it an integral part of its long-awaited Longhorn operating system.

What does this mean for marketers?

A] By being integrated in IE and other Microsoft software, RSS will achieve mass penetration. For marketers this means that RSS will finally become one of the standard tools of mass communication and content delivery. Furthermore, internet users will start to expect RSS from marketers, probably even more so than e-mail newsletters.

B] Marketers will no longer (eventually, of course, when most of the world starts using the latest software versions) need to explain how to get an RSS reader, but will be able to focus only on presenting their business and benefits to the end-user.

C] Broader RSS integration in Microsoft's tools will enable for additional RSS uses, far beyond basic content delivery in the form of stories, podcasts and products. Marketers and developers will be able to deploy rich interaction applications to make communication and business/personal interaction more fluent, easier and more effective. In essence, for many advanced marketers the capability of marketing with RSS will mean their either “in” or “out” of the game.

D] This is now official. Marketers need to start taking the lead and implementing RSS feeds accross all their communicational innitiatives, from PR to direct marketing and sales.

And to top all of this, Google just recently started serving Google AdSense ads in RSS feeds as well.

The deeper meaning behind this is four-fold:

A] The new "program" is the perfect opportunity for RSS publishers to monetize their RSS feeds. With inclussion in Google's standard "runnings" of AdSense ads, publishers can expect to monetize on RSS immediately.

B] This is yet another reason for publishers to start publishing their content via RSS, especially since it won't cost them anything or very little, but will provide them with an additional source of revenues. With the low-cost aspect of RSS, we can expect a flood of new publishers to set-up RSS feeds of their content to generate additional AdSense clicks.

C] With RSS ads included in feeds, more advertisers will become aware of RSS and its marketing potential.

D] Using RSS advertising publishers are now not only creating an additional revenues source, but are in fact making sure they don't lose ad revenue opportunities.

We used to refer to RSS as the future. Well, that future is now. If you’re not ready to start marketing with RSS, time just might run you over. As well as your competitors …

About the author:
Rok Hrastnik is the author of »Unleash the Marketing & Publishing Power of RSS«, acclaimed as the best and most comprehensive guide to RSS for marketers by leading RSS experts. The complete guide on RSS for marketers:http://rss.marketingstudies.net/index.html?src=sa10

Meet Adwords, AdSense’s Fraternal Twin

Meet Adwords, AdSense’s Fraternal Twin
by: Diane Nassy
AdSense is one of the best ways to monetize your web traffic. People see those little “Ads by Gooogle” tidbits and they click like crazy. Or at least that’s the plan. But have you ever given though to where those ads are coming from? That would be AdWords, the Pay-Per-Click program for people who want to advertise their products on Google.

They are the fine men and women who are willing to part with some coin of the realm every time a visitor to your web site chooses to click on an AdSense ad. Google grabs the cash from the AdWords' member’s account, keeps some of it for themselves, and gives the rest to you. How much they keep and how much give away is a State secret, but who cares; just as long as we’re getting ours each month.

How AdWords Works

AdWords provides pay-per-click advertising to merchants who are willing to shell out anywhere from a minimum 05 .05 per click all the way up to a maximum of $100 per click. Can you imagine anyone paying $100 just to have someone click on an ad?

Anyway, the advertiser joins the AdWords program and gets a control panel similar to the one that we AdSense users get. They can write their ads, pick their keywords, and establish an advertising budget. They get tools to track performance as well as to help them pick keywords. There are no monthly minimum spends required and they can turn their ads on and off at will.

Once an advertiser is happy with their ad, it gets released to the network and shows up on web sites like yours and mine. That’s if the keywords on your site match the keyword requirements of the brand spanking new ad, of course.

They can’t “buy” their way to the top

Google doesn’t simply push the people with the highest paying ads to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). They use a rather fair methodology that takes into consideration not only the maximum CPC (cost per click), but also includes a secret recipe for determining an ad’s placement based upon the number of clicks the ad receives. So, at least in theory, an ad paying .05 per click could rise above one paying $5.00 per click if it’s more popular with Google’s audience.

I say “in theory” because if the owner of the $5 ad is paying attention then he or she will see that they are being bested by a lowly nickel ad and do some serious rewriting to get back up to the top where they belong.

Personally, I’m not sure that I have the guts to invest a lot of money into hoping that people who click on my ad will actually buy something, since I still have to pay Google whether I make a sale or not. But, as a dedicated AdSense user, I’m sure glad that my AdWords brothers and sisters have more nerve than I do. And you should be thankful as well.

About the author:
Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips.
For more Google AdSense tips, visit http://www.adsense.deeljeabiz.com
Email : deeljeabiz@gmail.com 

Making money with RSS Feeds

Making money with RSS Feeds
by: Sandra Stammberger
Copyright 2005 Sandra Stammberger

First it was banner ads, then Google AdSense and now, the latest way to make money on your web site could very well be RSS feeds. Say what? I said: RSS is hot and you should be using it to drive eyeballs to your site. Here's how it works:

Depending upon who you ask, RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary". Regardless of what you call it, RSS is a way to automatically publish (syndicate) someone else's content on your web site. Now don't worry, that's not the same as stealing someone else's content. There is nothing illegal about using RSS feeds. In fact, the publisher of the content wants you to have it show up on your site and that's why he or she makes it available as an RSS feed to begin with.

So what's in it for all parties concerned?

Using RSS is a win-win for both the publisher of the content, who gets their name out to potentially millions of sites and you, the web site owner who is pulling the content onto your site.

Content, by the way, means anything that a publisher decides it means. Typical content includes news headlines, new product update notices, blog summaries and lots of other stuff. It's the "content" portion of the equation that's good news for you.

Show me the money

One of the best features of hosting RSS feeds is that it gives your site an endless source of freshly updated and relevant content. This content acts as natural search engine spider bait which they will fill their little tummies on and come back for more every day. Their appetite for fresh content keep your rankings up.

Sticky Loyalty isn't a new Ben & Jerry's flavor, but it should be the goal of any serious webmaster who wants to create a web site that visitors return to over and over again. The use of carefully selected RSS feeds can make that happen by offering unique content which can't be found anywhere else.

Now please don't make the mistake of thinking "But they can get that same content at the publisher's site, why should they come to mine?". Just build it and they will come! Sorry, I couldn't resist saying that, but it's true. In addition to the RSS content, which they surely can get somewhere else, you are going to add your own sticky loyalty stuff that's all about whatever your site is all about to begin with. That combination of your own content and the RSS feed makes visiting you a purely unique experience that can't be found anywhere else.

You don't have to be a member of the Geek Squad to start showing RSS feeds on your site. Just visit any of the links below and get busy using RSS to make mo' money.

Free RSS to HTML PHP Script

Carp - Free Rss script

RSS Equalizer

Clickbank Profits RSS Feed Generator

About the author:

Sandra Stammberger is the owner of Insiderscripts. At Insiderscript's programmers are working around the clock to develop affordable, powerful money making scripts that will help you drive traffic to your business. http://www.insiderscripts.com

Making Money Online

Making Money Online
by: Ben Johnson
"Earn a six figure income from your home online with hardly any work!" How many times have you come across a website or e-mail saying something like this? Chances are it happens a lot. Obviously it's not true, but we all wish it was. That doesn't mean that there's not money to be made online. The net is probably the best place to sell products.

With that in mind, all you need are products. The best part of it all is that you don't have to create the products. There are a number of wholesalers list online right now for free (don't pay for these) that can get you on your way to selling. You can even do what is known as dropshipping. That's when customers pay you for their orders and then you make the same order to the wholesaler at a discount. The wholesaler then ships the products. You never have to deal with the products directly. Tangible products aren't the only things you can sell either. Digital content is in high demand right now. This includes music, movies, pictures, software, ebooks and more. In fact I sell an original ebook of the best free adult sites from my website at: http://alladult.selectedsex.com

The idea was to combine the biggest industry online with an easy to deliver ebook while still giving the viewer relevant content. Another way to sell products is through ebay. Using ebay you don't need to have a website to sell. Always be careful though. Make sure to check user feedback and ask questions if your not sure. If your still uneasy use an escrow service. They will let you know if the other person's payment goes through before sending your product. These are just some ways to make money online. I can't guarantee it'll be easy and that you'll be making six figures, but if you have the determination to do the proper research you can make a descent living online. Good luck.

About the author:

I spent a lot of time researching the possibilty of making a living online, with my limited knowledge of the internet. This site is the fruit of that research: AllAdult 

Make Money Tearing Up Old Books and Magazines and Selling Them on eBay

Make Money Tearing Up Old Books and Magazines and Selling Them on eBay
by: Avril Harper
For the past few years I've been tearing up old books and magazines, and selling them on eBay. Other people's "rubbish" is earning me $20 a time - sometimes a great deal more - every single day!

It's an easy business and items other people throw away can attract fierce bidding and incredible profits for me and other lucky sellers.

We're selling prints and advertisements, crochet and woodworking patterns, recipe books and other niche market publications, alongside hundreds more totally different items, all taken from books, magazines and newspapers that are available in profusion and cost very little.

Let's start with old prints, they're incredibly good sellers, especially popular themes like: animals, sports (especially golf and horse racing), royalty, music hall artists, topographical (named locations) and children.

Very early magazines contained lots of prints, the best being Illustrated London News, The Graphic, Sketch, Sphere, and all you do is remove prints carefully, trim the rough edges, package to protect and make them more attractive, then list them on eBay.
These tips will help you get started in this hugely profitable business:

* Frame your prints for extra add-on value. Look for old (antique and modern) picture frames at boot and garage sales, flea markets and collectors' fairs, and make a point of visiting auctions where boxes of frames can be bought at a pittance.

* Have black and white prints and engravings hand colored and mounted or framed to increase the value of even the most common and cheapest print.

* Give a Certificate of Authenticity. This is simply a sheet of paper, with or without decorative border, which testifies that the print is original and taken from a specific source published on a particular date. The certificate is always taped lightly to the back of the print in the mount so that it cannot be removed and added to another print obtained elsewhere.

* Make your listing for the print descriptive and include details that are likely to attract bidders and be sure to include words they might use to find products like yours.

* Make sure your listings include age, theme, date and source of your prints.

* If your original book is special, say a first edition, or a limited edition, say so in your listing. To people viewing your listings it might make the difference between a sale and giving your product the miss.

* Take great care removing prints from publications. We tend to open the book midway and fold it back on itself, making it very easy to break or weaken the spine and therefore loosen the pages.

* A great place to get quality mounts very inexpensively is on eBay itself. Go to the search facility, request a search for items locally (so many available it isn't worth looking long distance), and use keywords like: "mounts", "photo mounts", and wait for a nice selection of suppliers to appear, some selling items by auction, others offering "Buy It Now".

* When you find a good supplier stick to that person and even buy their items outside of eBay without breaking eBay's rules of course.

There's more to it than just prints, you have the pick of dozens of different products to sell, all from old books and magazines, and just a few minutes easy work. Did I say "work", this isn't work, this is exciting stuff!

About the author:
Avril Harper is the author of Make Money Tearing Up Old Books and Magazines and Selling Them on eBay (http://www.benbeau.com). Contact at: mailto:avril@clippingsfactory.com
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